E. Dissemination activities
The project has been disseminated to the general public through Web (www.taxus.cat), with 6.596 visits of 4854 users and 4 brochures for every area.
Have also been installed 4 panels on the ground with text, photographs and maps in each area. Also a traveling exhibition, lectures and field visits. Technical sessions and environmental education activities for schools are also held.
In October 2014 the IV International Conference of the Tejo was organized at the Monastery of Poblet, where 140 people from different countries participate. This evaluation allows to state a significant increase in public awareness, public authorities and the forestry sector. These have become identity elements to be considered in each LIC. For example, the Serra de Llaberia highlights the yew as its flagshipheritage element, becoming part of the iconography of space and dissemination activities (hiking, seminars, etc.). It has also achieved awareness of the forest sector: forest owners and companies not accustomed to conservation projects.
It has created an exhibition which was presented at the Sixth International Yew Workshop. It is touring Catalonia with a total of 16859 visitors at the moment.
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Here you can see the exhibition schedule for the coming months:
Serra de Cardó
Feria de Rasquera
15/4/2015 – 15/5/2015
Serra de Llaberia
Ajuntament de Marçà
18/5/2015 – 31/5/2015
Ajuntament de Pratdip
23/3/2015 –
12 /4/2015
L’EMD de La Serra d’Almos
15/12/2014 – 6/1/2015
Ajuntament de Tivissa
4/6/2015 –
7 /6/ 2015
5/12/2014 – 8/12/2014
Monastir de Poblet
Octubre de 2014
Biblioteca de Montblanc
Novembre de 2014
Els Ports
Oficinas del PN dels Ports, Roquetes
Gener 2015 –
Març de 2015
Ribera Salada
Seu del Consell Comarcal del Solsonès, Solsona
10/5/2016 – 20/5/2016
Alta Garrotxa
Consorci de l’Alta Garrotxa, Olot
Juny de 2015
Museu dels Volcans, Olot
Gener 2016 –
Març de 2016
- El CTFC aconsegueix un projecte LIFE per a l’estudi de les teixedes de Catalunya. Nació Digital. Junio, 2012.
- Reportaje sobre les tejedas en el programa Espai Terra de TV3. Enero, 2013.
- Reportaje sobre las actuaciones del TAXUS en el Telenoticies Comarques de TV3. Octubre, 2014.
- Talen un miler de pins i alzines a l´Alta Garrotxa per regenerar la finca amb més arbres protegits. Diari de Girona. Enero, 2015.
- El LIFE Taxus en El Periódico. Diciembre 2015.